Welcome to patch 12.17, the penultimate patch before Worlds!

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Patch 12.17 Notes

With Worlds being played on patch 12.18 this is the last opportunity for us to introduce larger scale changes without significantly changing the current state of the meta in Pro play. This patch we’ll be focusing on pulling some power out of picks that have been dominating playoffs throughout the world. That said, we also have quite a few buffs for champions that haven’t been seeing as much play recently, as well as larger scope updates to champions like Maokai and Hecarim. Without further ado, to Worlds we go!

Lilu “RiotRiru” Cabreros
Paul ”RiotAether” Perscheid

Patch Highlights

King Viego, Zenith Games Blitzcrank, Zenith Games Jayce, and Zenith Games Lee Sin will be available September 9, 2022



Base health decreased. Charm duration decreased early.

Ahri has been charming pros across the globe with her safe playstyle and strong ability to set up plays. We’re bringing these strengths down just a tad so that playing into Ahri isn’t such a <em>tail</em> order and that players can’t just rely on her charm as a singular strength.

E – Charm

Charm Duration :: 1.4/1.55/1.7/1.85/2 seconds >>> 1.2/1.4/1.6/1.8/2 seconds


W AP scaling decreased, cooldown increased early. E cooldown increased.

The Emperor of the Sands can quickly become the Emperor of the Mid Lane in Pro play when he’s too powerful. We’re reducing the safety of his laning phase and bringing down his late game scaling so that he maintains his identity as a hyper scaler, but without scaling <em>too</em> hard.

W – Arise!

Sand Soldier Damage :: 50-150 (based on level) (+60% AP)>>> 50-150 (based on level) (+55% AP)
Cooldown :: 8/7.5/7/6.5/6 seconds >>> 9/8.25/7.5/6.75/6 seconds

E – Shifting Sands

Cooldown :: 19/18/17/16/15 seconds >>> 22/20.5/19/17.5/16 seconds



Passive shields increased. E damage increased.

Camille is currently a cut below other prominent picks in the top lane. We’re giving her a little extra engage and trading power so that she has an opportunity to shine when the conditions are right, but will still be kept in check by champions that counter her.

Passive – Adaptive Defenses

Percent HP Shielded :: 17% >>> 20%

E – Hookshot/Wall Dive

Damage :: 60/95/130/165/200 (+75% bonus AD) >>> 80/110/140/170/200 (+90% bonus AD)


E cooldown decreased.

Ezreal’s lost his place in pro play and solo queue recently (maybe because of his distaste for maps), so we’re <em>shifting<em> him into a stronger place by buffing his E to create more windows for clutch defensive or offensive plays.

E – Arcane Shift

Cooldown :: 28/25/22/19/16 seconds >>> 26/23/20/17/14 seconds


Q cooldown decreased. R base damage increased.

The current jungle meta favors engage-style fighters that bring a lot of CC and utility to help their teams and Graves hasn’t been able to compete with these picks. So we’re giving Graves a bit more power and clear speed to help him find his niche in the jungle once again.

Q – End of the Line

Cooldown :: 12/11/10/9/8 seconds >>> 13/11.5/10/8.5/7 seconds

R – Collateral Damage

Damage :: 250/400/550 (+150% bonus AD) >>> 275/425/575 (+150% bonus AD)



[s] All abilities adjusted.

[c] Hecarim hasn’t been the most <em>stable</em> champion for the past few seasons, either being a dominant Pro jungler or underwhelming in solo queue. He’s also been horsing around with a variety of builds ranging from tank, to assassin, to fighter. We believe a Hecarim that’s more bruiser/fighter focused is both more rewarding to play and will be less Pro skewed. To that end, we’re saddling Hecarim with some Q and W adjustments that should help his synergies with fighter items. We’re also lowering his base utility power and damage to reduce his strengths as a pure tank. These changes should lead to more damage-oriented Hecarim builds.

###Base Stats

Base Armor :: 35 >>> 32

HP Growth :: 104 >>> 99

Q – Rampage

Damage :: 60/90/120/150/180 (+90% bonus AD) >>> 60/85/110/135/160 (+95% bonus AD)

Damage per stack :: 2% (+3% per 100 bonus AD) >>> 4% (+6% per 100 bonus AD)

Q Cooldown per stack :: 1 second >>> 0.75 seconds

Max number of stacks :: 2 >>> 3

Stack Falloff :: All at duration end >>> 1 stack per second at duration end

Mana Cost :: 28/31/34/37/40 >>> 30

W – Spirit of Dread

Cooldown :: 14 seconds >>> 16/15.5/15/14.5/14 seconds

[NEW] ARMORED CAVALRY :: Hecarim gains 15/20/25/30/35 Armor and Magic Resist while Spirit of Dread is active

E – Devastating Charge

Min Damage :: 30/45/60/75/90 (+55% bonus AD) >>> 30/45/60/75/90 (+50% bonus AD)

Max Damage :: 60/90/120/150/180 (+110% bonus AD) >>> 60/90/120/150/180 (+100% bonus AD)

Minimum Knockback :: 250 >>> 150

Maximum Knockback :: 450 >>> 350

Cooldown :: 20/19/18/17/16 >>> 18 at all ranks

R – Onslaught of Shadows

Fear duration :: 0.75-2 seconds based on distance traveled >>> 0.75-1.5 seconds based on distance traveled



[s] Q cooldown decreased, mana cost decreased.

[c] Kassadin has typically found play as a counter pick into mages, so we want to lean into that by giving him some additional power going into those tough matchups. Now  he should be able to find some success and get those <em>Kassawins</em>.

Q – Null Sphere

Cooldown :: 11/10.5/10/9.5/9 seconds >>> 10/9.5/9/8.5/8 seconds

Mana Cost :: 70/75/80/85/90 >>> 60/65/70/75/80



[s] Passive, Q, E, and R adjusted.

[c] Maokai has been all bark and no bite for quite some time now. We’re helping this tree rediscover his roots in both the top lane and jungle without removing his ability to be a support.

Passive – Sap Magic

[NEW] TREES STRIKE BACK :: Getting hit by large jungle monsters now reduces Sap Magic’s cooldown by 1.5 seconds per attack received

Heal :: 5-45 (+4.5-11% Max Health) (levels 1-15) >>> 4-34 (+4.8-14% Max Health) (levels 1-17)

Q – Bramble Smash

Damage :: 70/110/150/190/230 (+40% AP) >>> 65/110/155/200/245 (+40% AP)

[NEW] WOOD YOU BELIEVE IT :: Q now deals percent maximum health damage (2/2.25/2.5/2.75/3%)

[NEW] BRANCHING OUT :: Q now deals 40/60/80/100/120 bonus damage to monsters

E – Sapling Toss

[REM] NOT SO HEALTH-Y :: Saplings no longer deal maximum percent health damage

Base Damage :: 20/45/70/95/120 (+7/7.25/7.5/7.75/8% (+70% per 100 AP) target maximum Health) >>> 55/80/105/130/155 (+42.5% AP +6% bonus HP)

Empowered Brush Damage :: 40/90/140/190/240 (+14/14.5/15/15.5/16% (+1.4% per 100 AP) target maximum Health) >>> 110/160/210/260/310 (+85% AP +12% bonus HP)

[NEW] MINIONS ACTIVIST :: Minions no longer take empowered brush damage from Saplings

Mana Cost :: 60/70/80/90/100 >>> 45/55/65/75/85

Slow Amount :: 35% >>> 45%

[NEW] A LIL SAPPY :: Brush empowered Saplings now slow for 35% >>> 45% (+2% per 100 AP) (6% per 1000 bonus HP)

R – Nature’s Grasp

Missile Initial Speed :: 50 >>> 100

Missile Maximum Speed :: 650 >>> 750

Missile Acceleration :: 250 >>> 300

[NEW] MAKE LIKE A TREE AND LEAF :: Maokai now gains 40/50/60% Bonus Move Speed that decays over 2 seconds upon hitting enemy champions


Miss Fortune

[s] Q base damage increased late, cast time adjusted. W mana cost decreased, attack speed bonus increased. E cooldown increased, base damage decreased, AP scaling increased, slow now scales with AP.

[c] Miss Fortune has always been able to flex into either crit/attack speed or Lethality builds. Recently, her crit builds have been a bit weak while her Lethality builds opt into spamming E in lane instead of utilizing her Double Up. We’re looking to make MF’s crit/attack speed builds hit a bit harder while incentivizing Lethality builds to use Q as her preferred harass tool.

Q – Double Up

Physical Damage :: 20/40/60/80/100 (+100% AD) (+35% AP) >>> 20/45/70/95/120 (+100% AD) (+35% AP)

Cast Time :: 0.25s >>> Matches Basic Attack Time

W – Strut

Mana Cost :: 45 >>> 35

Attack Speed :: 40/55/70/85/100% >>> 50/65/80/95/110%

E – Make it Rain

Cooldown :: 18/16/14/12/10 seconds >>> 18/17/16/15/14 seconds

Full Damage (8-ticks) :: 80/115/150/185/220 (+80% AP) >>> 70/100/130/160/190 (+100% AP)

Slow :: 40/45/50/55/60% >>> 50% (+4% per 100 AP)



[s] E electrocute interaction removed. 

[c] Electrocute Nami has been Lucian’s best friend given that they could quickly proc Nami’s Electrocute with Lucian’s Q double auto combo. We’re changing how Nami’s E counts toward Electrocute to be more in line with similar abilities. This should also make Nami viable with other pairings. Besides, fish and electrocutions together never go swimmingly.

E – Tidecaller’s Blessing

[REM] Removed an interaction where each application of Nami’s E would count towards procing Electrocute. E (and its applications) will now only count as a single spell cast for effects such as Electrocute.



[s]Base attack speed increased. Passive cooldown decreased.

[c] Nocturne’s been left out in the dark recently, which, while on-point for his theme, hasn’t been as great for his performance in-game. We’re giving him some buffs which should help out his attack speed itemization synergies and increase his clear speed a tad.

###Base Stats

Attack Speed Ratio :: 0.668 >>> 0.721 

Passive – Umbra Blades

Cooldown :: 14 seconds >>> 13 seconds



[s] W dismounted movement speed increased. E cooldown now flat.

[c] Rell has been out of the spotlight for quite some time now so we’re giving her some small quality of life buffs to help her get back on her iron steed.

W – Ferromancy: Crash Down

Move Speed while Dismounted :: 250 >>> 280

E – Attract and Repel

Cooldown :: 18/16.25/14.5/12.75/11 seconds >>> 13 seconds



Q base damage decreased, AD scaling increased.

Renekton is back to his old ways of being a dominant, blind pickable champion in the top lane. Not only can he go head-to-head with the strongest melee champions, but he can also dominate ranged opponents. We’re decreasing his damage output (especially when not itemizing AD) to give other champions some space to play.

Q – Cull the Meek

Damage :: 65/100/135/170/205 (+80% bonus AD) >>> 60/90/120/150/180 (+100% bonus AD)

Furious Damage :: 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 / 300 (+120% bonus AD) >>> 90 / 135 / 180 / 225 / 270 (+140% bonus AD)


W AD ratio increased. E slow increased.

Sett hasn’t been getting much face time in the top lane, especially given the amount of tanks we’re seeing that he should be a strong matchup into. We’re increasing his damage and reliable CC to help this boss beat down his opponents more effectively.

W – Haymaker

AD ratio :: 20% per 100 bonus AD >>> 25% per 100 bonus AD

E – Facebreaker

Slow :: 50% >>> 70%


AD growth decreased. W bounce AD ratio decreased.

Sivir’s midscope update has succeeded in making her the premiere AOE damage marksman in the game. However, her damage output is currently a bit <strong>too</strong> reliable. We’re pulling a bit of power out of her AOE damage so that she isn’t always shoving in her lane opponents and hitting the jackpot come late-game teamfights.

###Base Stats

AD Growth :: 3 >>> 2.8

W – Ricochet

Bounce Damage AD Ratio :: 30/35/40/45/50% total AD >>> 25/30/35/40/45% total AD


[s] Base health decreased. Q cooldown increased.

[c] Sylas is currently too reliable of a pick between the waveclear provided by his Q max builds and safety/engage options his E provides him in Pro play. We’re looking to bring down his laning phase power with some targeted nerfs at his early waveclear and durability.

Base Stats

Base Health :: 595 >>> 575

Q – Chain Lash

Cooldown :: 10/9/8/7/6 seconds >>> 11/10/9/8/7 seconds


[s] Base magic resist decreased. E cooldown increased.

[c] Taric has been a little <em>too</em> dazzling in the bot lane recently, excelling at healing and CC in addition to being too durable. We’re making him a bit less stunning by reducing the uptime on his… er…. stuns and making him a bit more susceptible to poke in losing matchups.

Base Stats

Base Magic Resist :: 32 >>> 28

E – Dazzle

Cooldown :: 15/14/13/12/11 seconds >>> 16/15/14/13/12 seconds


W cooldown increased at all ranks.

[c] The Troll King has been expanding his domain into the jungle. While we don’t want to kick him out, we are tapping down his W to hinder his clear speed slightly and reduce the effectiveness of his problematic 100% uptime, early W max builds.

W – Frozen Domain

Cooldown :: 15/14/13/12/11 seconds >>> 18/17/16/15/14 seconds

Twisted Fate

Q AP ratio increased. W mana cost decreased.

Despite having an entire deck of cards (okay, only 3 but still), Twisted Fate is forced into drawing blue cards a bit more often than we’d like. In order to help him diversify his draws, we’re relaxing his current mana restrictions so players can feel more free to play around his harder hitting red and yellow cards.

Q – Wild Card

AP Ratio :: 70% >>> 80%

W – Pick a Card

Mana Cost :: 40/55/70/85/100 >>> 30/40/50/60/70


[s] Base attack speed decreased. Base move speed decreased.

As opposed to the king of monkeys, Wukong has been the king of the jungle in Pro play for quite some time. We’re looking to dethrone him by bringing his early clear down a few pegs and reducing his ability to move around the map as effectively.

Base Stats

Base Attack Speed :: 0.711 >>> 0.680

Base Movespeed :: 345 >>> 340



Since its introduction Stopwatch has been a powerful item, not only in solo queue, but especially in Pro play with extremely low ping. We’re increasing its purchase price so that if it’s bought as a one-time-use item it sets players back more in the gold department.

Cost :: 650 >>> 750 <em>(Note: Perfect Timing will still only contribute 250 gold towards a Stopwatch item)</em>


Guardian Angel

Now that Stopwatch is moving up in price, so is Guardian Angel. With stasis being more expensive, players should feel as though they need to deliberately itemize Stopwatch and its corresponding items as opposed to them feeling like auto-buys just because you purchased a Stopwatch.

Combine Cost :: 50 gold >>> 150 gold

Total Cost :: 2800 >>> 3000 gold

Attack Damage :: 40 >>> 45 gold


Seeker’s Armguard

Seeker’s Armguard has been a relatively weak component for some time now. We don’t want it to turn into an early anti-assassin item that discourages aggression from opponents in lane, so we’re opting to increase its AP stats so it’s more comparable to other Zhonya’s components.

Ability Power :: 20 >>> 30


Zhonya’s Hourglass

On the same note, due to the Stopwatch price increase Zhonya’s will also be getting a price hike. Hourglass has remained a cheap defensive option with a value defined by its ability to provide Stasis to its users since Season 10. We’re moving the item up to a higher price point so that its offensive capabilities have an opportunity to stand out more.

Total Cost :: 2600 >>> 3000

Ability Power :: 65 >>> 80

Ability Haste :: 10 >>> 15

Upcoming Skins & Chromas

The following skins will be released in this patch: 

King Viego

Zenith Games Blitzcrank

Zenith Games Jayce

Zenith Games Lee Sin

The following chromas will be released this patch:

King Viego

Zenith Games Blitzcrank

Zenith Games Jayce

Zenith Games Lee Sin

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