


  • General
    • Fixed an issue where certain types of damage could leave players with RegenShields at 1 HP when the damage should have been lethal.
      • This also fixed issues where Clove could tank lethal damage specificallywhen Regen Shield and Pick Me Up were active at the same time.
  • Agents
    • Vyse
      • Fixed an issue where Arc Rose and Razorvine were visible when placedon specific water surfaces.
    • Tejo
      • Fixedan issue where players could rarely survive running straight throughthe full duration of Armageddon.
    • Killjoy
      • Fixed an issue where Killjoy’s recall minimap indicator could get stuck in astate where it was invisible.
      • Alarmbot logic has been updated to be more intelligent.
        • In niche circumstances, the Alarmbot will now path towardsplayers if they are on ledges and explode on them if theywould be hit by the size of the explosion rather than tryingto run extremely long paths around the map.
  • Gameplay Systems
    • Fixed a bug where Observers were seeing inconsistent player team outlinecolors.



  • Premier
    • Fixed an issue where long team names could overlap each other on the playoffbracket screen.
    • Fixed an issue where dropdowns on the standings sometimes cut off text.
    • Fixed an issue where the division name text was not always correctly aligned onthe match history screen.

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