Legends of Runeterra: 2023 Roadmap

Howdy, all; 2023 is here! All of us on the Legends of Runeterra team want to invite you to
join us not only to get an idea of the content we’ll be releasing this year, but to give us
feedback and help shape the direction of LoR for years to come.
Buckle Up
That’s right! This year, we’re committed to working even more-closely with the LoR
community to deliver new features, expansions, and events. That means an increase in
communication, more transparency, and more opportunities for you to impact the game
we all love. So know that while the Roadmap may show the larger beats throughout the
year, we are also excited about all of the things that the community will be cooking up
alongside us.
Let’s check out that roadmap now

Releasing Soon:
As a small team of passionate developers, we have been taking your requests for more
content with more consistency seriously, and are happy to share what we’ve got planned
coming up. In no particular order, you’ll be seeing some pretty big updates in the next
couple days, weeks, and months. That includes the new competitive structure (more on
that tomorrow), which we’re really excited about. There will even be some exclusive
rewards for those who take part in our Beta Season! For those who enjoy the Path of
Champions, you’ve got new items, champions, and balances to relics that you can look
forward to. Your creativity and deck-building skills will be put to the test in our new
Standard format (The format you know and love with all cards legal will still be around as
the ”Eternal” format). And we think you’ll all get a kick (or a punch) out of our new LoR-
exclusive champions coming throughout the year.

In Development:
A little further out, we’ve got more updates and patches arriving on a new, quarterly
release cycle (scroll down for more on that). That means that there won’t be a single
month without an expansion, a live-balance patch, or a variety set! For our more flashy or
boisterous players, you’ll be receiving ways to show off and flex your achievements on
your friends, as well as some chances to get legacy content you may have missed out
on. Looking for a challenge worthy of a champion? New Monthly Adventures in The Path
of Champions will take you off the beaten path and provide a unique experience with
higher stakes for PVE enthusiasts.
And finally, some of our more aspirational goals. While we can’t promise to deliver all of
these, they’re features we feel would really benefit the game based on your feedback.
We’re looking into all of these options (and more) to see what we may be able to deliver
as the year goes on. Have other ideas that you’d like to see the game? Let us know on
the dedicated Legends of Runeterra subreddit post!
New Release Cycle
It’s with that in mind that we’re excited to announce that players will have something to
look forward to every month of 2023. These quarterly cycles offer a variety of content
and updates, tailored to ensure players are not only getting new cards to experiment
with, but plenty of game balance as well.
Let’s delve into each of these update types:

These updates will bring new champions and mechanics to LoR. Some familiar faces and
fan favorites will be coming to the game this year, alongside several champions exclusive
to LoR. Those with a hunger for lore will have their hands full with new glimpses at the
realm of Runeterra, and those looking to prove themselves through PVP will have new
chances to shake up the meta.
Live Balance Patches:
Like a physical house of cards, balance is key. These patches are not the only times we’ll
be fine-tuning the game to make sure everything is operating as intended, but are
dedicated spaces where we’ll be focused on addressing anything that may have room
for improvement. We’ll be looking for your feedback to ensure that the game feels both
fun and fair. Head on over to the LoR subreddit and look for the feedback post each
cycle to let us know how we’re doing!
Variety Sets:
Keeping things fresh, these are small sets of cards that drop every cycle; think of it like a
quarterly booster pack or a mini-expansion. Y’all are creative, and we can’t wait to watch
as you discover new synergies between these releases and earlier content. Along with
the new cards, Variety Sets come with a full balance patch, making updates to any recent
aspects that need attention.
Watch and learn
Curious for more? Our devs have put together some short videos over on our YouTube
channel to help you understand better what’s coming in 2023. Keep your eyes open over
the next couple days for more to release! Make sure to leave us a comment and follow
Bard’s lead (click that Subscribe chime bell)!
Join in the community
We’re looking forward to hearing from you as we continue to share more about Legends
of Runeterra throughout 2023. So please let us know what you think sounds awesome,
what you still would like to see, and any other feedback you might have! Our devs will be
lurking the subreddit, so make sure to take part in the conversation there!