League of legends patch 2025 S1.1

Patch Highlights
Fearless Draft
Our tier-1 leagues around the world are moving to Fearless Draft format for the first professional split of the year. Fearless Draft is a restriction in best-of-3 and best-of-5 matches where champions cannot be picked more than once in a series, regardless of the team that picked them. For example, if a team picks Yone, he’ll be unavailable for both teams in the remaining games of that series.
There are multiple reasons why we’re trying out this new drafting mode. First, we want to increase the game-to-game variety in professional play, making games more distinct from one another and hopefully making them more entertaining to watch. Second, we want to give more room for players with unique champion pools to showcase the hundreds of hours they’ve spent honing their craft on atypical champions, giving players stronger identities. Third, we’re hoping that reduced pressure on pro-focused balancing will allow champion tuning to better serve League players as a whole so even if you aren’t a pro our goal is that you’ll see some benefits from this change as well.
Be sure to catch the opening games of the season! We’re excited to see what our pro teams cook up in Fearless!

Noxus Invades the Rift
The first thing you’ll notice when loading onto the Rift this year is that we’ve brought you to Noxus. As part of Seasons, we want to make sure the connection to the theme of each Season doesn’t end as soon as you hit the “Play” button. We want to take advantage of League’s deep well of stories and lore to carry the immersion into the Rift and League’s gameplay. We crafted these map visual updates with an emphasis on maintaining competitive integrity, so whether you’re at home or playing on the professional stage you can still expect a fair playing field.
Noxus has taken over pretty much all aspects of the Rift: the minions, turrets, and even shopkeepers will now be repping Noxus in some way! Noxian War Turrets will blast minions and champions, sporting some new targeting animations similar to what you might have seen in the ARAM map update. The shopkeepers are dressed up in the snazzy garb of the Masquerade, and the minions look like they rolled right out of the Immortal Bastion itself.
We didn’t want to change the entire map to keep some sense of familiarity and push the differences in some of the biomes. For example, the blue buff and river zones retain their lush forest vibes, while the lanes, red buff areas, and bases are going to look more like what you might find around the outskirts of Noxus Prime. These updates will remain through Season 1, with another new journey coming in Season 2.

This Season, we are adding an entirely new Epic Monster to the Rift. Introducing Atakhan: an ancient demon of bloodshed and violence.
Atakhan spawns at 20:00, and can appear in the river close to either top or bottom lane. Which side he spawns on depends on which has seen more champion damage and kills by 14 minutes. At 14 minutes Atakhan’s pit will spawn with two permanent walls to carve out his territory and signaling where he’ll appear for players so you have plenty of time to plan your approach for fighting this ancient demon.
But this isn’t all there is to Atakhan. The amount of champion damage and kills done in the game so far will also affect which of the two forms the demon takes on. In a higher action game you’ll see Ruinous Atakhan. If you manage to take him down, your entire team will permanently be granted increased effects from all Epic monster rewards, and he’ll leave behind a field of Blood Roses for anyone nearby to collect.
What are Blood Roses? In addition to Atakhan, we’re adding a new plant to Summoner’s Rift. They act as a minor but permanent bonus you can take for your own team and deny the enemy team. They grant your entire team a small amount of XP and a permanent stacking Adaptive Force buff. Blood Roses can spawn before 20:00, and do so around areas where champions have died or around Atakhan’s spawn location, in addition to as a reward for killing Ruinous Atakhan.
But back to Atakhan’s other form. In a lower action game you’ll see Voracious Atakhan and if you manage to take him down your entire team will be granted a temporary, one-time death mitigation buff, similar to Guardian Angel, except you’ll also teleport back to base, and a permanent increase to gold from champion takedowns which should help give teams that extra push to take that teamfight.
⦁ Voracious Atakhan Buff: Upon taking down Voracious Atakhan the team that slayed him receives a permanent 40 gold bonus to champion takedowns for the rest of the game, and a one time death mitigation effect for the next 150 seconds. If they would die, instead the player will enter stasis for 2 seconds and return to base after another 3.5 seconds. When this happens, the would be killer instead gains 100 gold and 1 Blood Petal for their team.
⦁ Ruinous Atakhan Buff: Upon taking down Ruinous Atakhan the team that slayed him receives 25% increase to all Epic monster rewards for the rest of the game (including rewards already earned like prior dragon stacks), and 6 Bloody Petals immediately and will then spawn 6 Large and 6 Small Blood Rose Plants around his pit.
⦁ Blood Roses and Petals: Each petal gives the player that picked it up’s team 25 XP (increasing by up to 100% based on their K/D/A with a lower K/D/A offering more experience) and 1 to 0.33 Adaptive Force. Petals can be gained primarily through hitting a Blood Rose (a large one drops 6 petals while a small one drops 3) , although they can be obtained through other ways like Atakhan.
With Atakhan, we wanted to create an important gameplay objective that allows players to participate more in shaping the story unique to each game on Summoner’s Rift. Both team’s actions, their choices to fight or not, and where and when they do, will determine Atakhan’s location and form. Our goal is for this to ultimately let players actively create more variation to each game of League.
As a minor side note, in order to make room for Atakhan Rift Herald’s spawn time has been pushed back to 16:00 and Baron Nashor’s spawn time has been pushed back to 25:00. We don’t want games to last longer than they do today, and we’d make changes if we see that’s the case. Typically, teams aren’t taking Barons at 20 minutes when they spawn, so we think there’s room for another powerful mid-game objective that is more realistically claimable in Atakhan.

Respawning Nexus Turrets
Just like inhibitors, Nexus Turrets will now respawn at full health a set amount of time after being destroyed. When they respawn they’ll have all the same properties, good as new!
Our goal with adding respawning Nexus Turrets was to help reduce the amount of games that feel hopeless just because you lost both of your turrets. It felt like you were delaying the inevitable when you needed to contest a game winning objective like Baron or Elder Dragon but not being able to leave base without a Shaco or Sion backdooring to win the game. Now, if you’re able to fend off backdoors for a period of time, you won’t have to babysit your Nexus any longer and can get back into the action.
⦁ Nexus Turret Respawn Timer: After being destroyed Nexus Turrets will respawn after a 3 minute delay.
Feats of Strength
Noxus is coming to the Rift and bringing the Feats of Strength with it. This new system replaces the gold bonuses from First Blood and First Turret while adding a third Feat of Strength for teams to fight over, Monster Slaying, which requires three Epic Monster claims to complete.
Whichever team first completes two of the three Feats of Strength (First Blood, First Turret, and Monster Slaying) wins the Feats for that game and will have their Tier 2 boots upgraded to their Triumphant versions. Later in the game, the Feat-winning team will also have the opportunity to upgrade their Tier 2 boots to Tier 3 by spending gold. But in order to do so, they must have at least two legendary items in their inventory.
We have several goals for Feats of Strength: guiding players in the early game to accomplish goals with their team, removing some gold that was snowballing individual players too hard too early in the game, and giving players a fun way to access boots upgrades. We’re looking for Feats to guide the way that teams play through the early game and represent a small, concrete, advantage for the mid and late game.
Triumphant Boot upgrades are free, and are immediately granted to any Tier 2 boots of the team that won Feats. If you don’t have tier 2 boots yet you’ll receive the upgrade straight out of the shop so no worries there. Here’s a list of all the Triumphant Boot bonuses:
⦁ Triumphant Berserker’s Greaves: +5% Attack Speed
⦁ Triumphant Ionian Boots of Lucidity: +5 Haste
⦁ Triumphant Sorcerer’s Shoes: +4 Magic Penetration
⦁ Triumphant Plated Steelcaps: +5 Armor
⦁ Triumphant Mercury’s Treads: +5 Magic Resistance
⦁ Triumphant Boots of Swiftness: +5 Movement Speed
⦁ Triumphant Synchronized Souls: +5 Movement Speed
The following upgrades are purchasable upgrades that can be bought by the Feats-winning team when they have two legendary items completed (or more). The stat increases are relative to the above Triumphant boots upgrades (which are free).
Gunmetal Greaves (Berserker’s Greaves Upgrade)
⦁ 750 gold
⦁ +10% Attack Speed
⦁ +5 Movement Speed
⦁ Upon attacking a Champion, gain 15% (melee) / 10% (ranged) movement speed decaying over 2 seconds.
Crimson Lucidity (Ionian Boots of Lucidity Upgrade)
⦁ 750g gold
⦁ +10 Haste
⦁ +5 Movement Speed
⦁ Upon damaging an enemy with a spell, using a Summoner Spell, or buffing an ally with a spell, gain 10% (8% for ranged) movement speed for 4 seconds.
Spellslinger’s Shoes (Sorcerer’s Shoes Upgrade)
⦁ 750 gold
⦁ +3 Magic Penetration
⦁ +5 Movement Speed
⦁ +10% Magic Penetration (Yes, this item gives both flat and percentage penetration.)
Armored Advance (Plated Steelcaps Upgrade)
⦁ 750 gold
⦁ +10 Armor
⦁ +5 Movement Speed
⦁ After taking physical damage from a champion, gain a 10-140 (based on level) physical shield + 4% of your maximum health for 4 seconds. 12 second cooldown.
Chainlaced Crushers (Mercury’s Treads Upgrade)
⦁ 750 gold
⦁ +10 Magic Resistance
⦁ +5 Movement Speed
⦁ After taking magic damage from a champion, gain a magic shield for (10-140 level scaling) + 4% of your maximum health for 4 seconds. 12 second cooldown
Swiftmarch (Boots of Swiftness Upgrade)
⦁ 750 gold
⦁ +10 Movement Speed
⦁ Increase your TOTAL movement speed by 4%. This multiplies all other forms of movement speed. (Note: This is multiplicative with other percentage movement speed increases, making it much more powerful than a standard movement speed increase.)
Forever Forward (Synchronized Souls Upgrade)
⦁ 750 gold
⦁ +10 Movement Speed
⦁ While out of combat, increase your TOTAL movement speed by 10%. This multiplies all other forms of movement speed. (Note: This is multiplicative with other percentage movement speed increases, making it much more powerful than a standard movement speed increase.)
⦁ Cassiopeia cannot buy boots, so when her team wins Feats, instead her passive is upgraded from Serpentine Grace to Triumphant Serpentine Grace.
⦁ Triumphant Serpentine Grace grants 6 movespeed per level, rather than 4, as the base passive does.
Teleport has gotten more powerful as player skill and knowledge have increased over time. It doesn’t have a clear weakness since the winning player in lane uses it to push their advantage and the losing player relies on it as a fallback, while both also benefit from the ability to move across the map within a few seconds.
In its current state, Teleport significantly stifles action in lanes through its low cost as a “reset” button, while we think more of its power should be in its later uses that provide map impact and benefit solo lane influence on the rest of the game.
As of this patch, Teleport will no longer instantly blink the champion after its channel. Now, they will instead visually travel across the map, with Teleport moving slower and Unleashed Teleport moving much quicker. This new mechanic allows us to tune how effective Teleport is at returning to lane in a way that doesn’t feel as bad as nerfing its channel duration or range, while also ensuring it’s still appropriately powerful later on.
Now that early Teleport has a long travel time, we’re reintroducing its early capability to target wards and minions as there’s more time to react to an incoming teleport. In addition, Homeguards will now kick in from the beginning of the game, although in a weaker state before 14 minutes. This is intended to reduce the difference in time it takes between walking back to lane and teleporting so that early game pacing still feels reasonable whether one takes Teleport or not.
⦁ Initial Channel Duration: 4 → 3 seconds
⦁ Travel Type: Blink & Untargetable and Unstoppable Dash
⦁ Total Travel Duration: Always 4 seconds → Up to 8 seconds depending on travel distance
⦁ Travel Speed: 1000, but will go faster if total travel time would take over 8 seconds
⦁ Cooldown: 360 → 300 seconds
⦁ Unleashed Teleport Travel Speed: 4500
⦁ Unleashed Teleport Cooldown: 330-240 (based on level) seconds → Unchanged
⦁ Unleashed Teleport Bonus Movement Speed on Arrival: 50% bonus total movement speed for 3 seconds →; 50% bonus total movement speed for 4 seconds
Lane Minions
We’re changing some underlying minion and turret rules to make early game laning less punishing in the worst cases. We want more matchups to feel playable in the very early game, as optimal play can create situations where the disadvantaged lane has no winning moves, simply waiting to get tower dove on the third wave while hiding under a tower that doesn’t protect strongly enough.
First up, Minion waves will now clear each other out more quickly. A small decrease in early game HP and a significant increase in damage to other lane minions means minions will die faster and the average size of a minion wave that reaches a turret will be smaller. The changes in damage should make last-hitting minions and their overall damage to champions and turrets feel similar to before.
We’re maintaining the health total of minions at around the 6-minute mark, as this is when some champions start to unlock one-spell destruction of caster minions but otherwise we’re scaling them longer into the late game. About 10% of Summoner’s Rift games reach the 38 minute mark, so having minions scale beyond that point, mostly in terms of health, ensures they’re still able to tank for you on your push into the enemy base. But because we don’t want them to steal the show, this minion scaling is still capped, especially in the case of cannon and super minions, who now stop scaling at 90 minutes instead of up to 7 days (not including the Flyquest minion that scales in our hearts forever).
Minion Stats
⦁ Melee minion HP: 477-1300 at minute 1-38 → 465-1500 at minute 1-48
⦁ Melee minion Armor: 0-16 at minute 1-38 → 0-20 at minute 1-42
⦁ Melee minion AD: 12-80.2 at minute 1-38 → 11-80 + 2% lane minion current HP at minute 1-42
⦁ Ranged minion HP: 296-485 at minute 1-38 → 284-600 at minute 1-56
⦁ Ranged minion AD: 24.5-120.5 at minute 1-38 → 21-125 + 4% lane minion current HP at minute 1-45
⦁ First cannon minion: Wave 3 → Wave 4
⦁ Cannon minion HP: 912-2900 at minute 2-38 → 920-2960 at minute 2:30-38
⦁ Cannon minion AD: 41.5-77.5 at minute 2-38 → 39-73.5 + 6% lane minion current HP at minute 2:30-38
⦁ Cannon minion HP scaling stops: 175 minutes → 90 minutes
⦁ Cannon minion AD scaling stops: 7 days → 90 minutes
⦁ Super minion HP scaling stops: 150 minute → 90 minutes
⦁ Super minion AD: 230 + 5 per 1.5 minutes → 215 + 5 per 1.5 minutes
⦁ Super minion AD scaling stops: 300 minutes → 90 minutes
Miscellaneous Rules
⦁ Minion XP range: 1400 → 1500
⦁ Minion-turret and minion-champion damage: 50% → 55%
⦁ Ambient gold start time: 1:50 → 1:40. Functionally everyone has 20.4 more gold.
We’re increasing the PvP power of turrets, raising their max damage when heated up and increasing the duration they can remain in that state, making them protect allied champions more strongly in tower dive scenarios. We’re also softening turret Fortification, the buff that makes top and mid lane turrets take less damage early game. Even if top and mid laners can’t tower dive their opponents as easily, we’d like if they could strike down turrets and farm their plates for gold.
⦁ Heat damage amp: 40% per stack (220% max damage) → 50% per stack (250% max damage)
⦁ Heat duration: 3 → 5 seconds
⦁ Fortification damage reduction: 85% → 50%
Champion Bounties
We’re simplifying the bounty rules for champions who are underperforming so that players can more easily understand how champions got to their bounty states. We’ll no longer be ignoring the first -50 gold in negative bounty states, which means that 0/1 and 0/2 champions will tend to be worth less gold than before. In order to roughly equal the total value long-term, we’re also slowing the rate at which kills, deaths, and assists affect base kill gold. Positive bounties (shut downs) are unaffected.
⦁ Negative Bounties: No longer ignores the first -50 gold
⦁ Kill/assist gold per 1 negative bounty: 4 → 5
Swiftplay is coming to League of Legends in select regions with patch 2025.S1.1! Swiftplay is a faster way to experience authentic Summoner’s Rift gameplay that’s focused on letting all 10 players experience their champion’s fantasy within a game of League with the same skill tests, but doesn’t punish early game disadvantages nearly as hard. This means making sure everyone gets a chance for their champions to lane, teamfight, scale and test their champion’s limits. Check out the Swiftplay dev blog for more details!
This initial release is in regions that already have an unranked Summoner’s Rift queue option besides Quickplay (so Normal Draft).
Quickplay has been replaced with Swiftplay in the following shards:
⦁ North America
⦁ Latin America North
⦁ Latin America South
⦁ Europe West
⦁ Europe Nordic & East
⦁ Brazil
⦁ Russia
⦁ Turkey
⦁ Taiwan
⦁ Vietnam
Additionally, all queues of Co-Op versus AI have been updated with the gameplay rules of Swiftplay!
SR Ranked Season 1, 2025
SR Ranked Season 1, 2025 will start Jan/9/2025 12 pm on Local Server Time, globally. During the short ranked season cool down window, Ranked queue will still be up whenever 25.S1.1 is available, but the progress won’t count as per usual.
⦁ APEX Duo MMR restriction will be temporarily disabled for 25.S1.1, same as every season start, and will be turned back on 25.S1.2
⦁ Seasonal Ranked Reward Tracker has been sunset. Ranked Victorious Skin requires 15 ranked wins (soloduo or flex, or a combination of them) starting with Season 1, 2025. A ranked mission will be there to track the no. of wins achieved for players’ clarity of reward eligibility, but the reward itself will still be granted at the end of season.
⦁ Shard transfer service will be temporarily disabled prior to season end, and will be turned back on after we grant players end of split 3, 2024 rewards in 25.S1.1
⦁ Same as every season start, players will be reset with Season 1, 2025, however, as mentioned recently, this will be the only reset we have for the whole 2025.
Passive adjusted. Q damage and attack speed increased.
Ashe’s update this patch has two goals: First, we’d like to reduce the extremely high power she has in early levels. A combination of one of the highest functional level 1 attack damages in the game and permanently slowing her targets can create situations where a single mistake means she runs you down across the entire lane, causing you to Flash or die.
Second, we’d like if Frost Shot was always a benefit instead of sometimes a hindrance. Even with 100% crit chance, Ashe would never get any bonus damage from her passive, since it only applied if they were already slowed. Volley’s changes are a simple power shift, making it weaker at level 1, but stronger than before after level 5, regardless of build.
P – Frost Shot
⦁ Damage: 115% + Crit% → 100% + Crit%
⦁ Damage Condition: Slowed by Frost Shot → Always
Q – Ranger’s Focus
⦁ Damage: 105/110/115/120/125% → 110/115/120/125/130%
⦁ Attack Speed: 25/32.5/40/47.5/55% → 25/35/45/55/65%
W – Volley
Damage: 20/35/50/65/80 + 100% total AD →; 60/95/130/165/200 + 100% bonus AD
Dashes are now more resilient to slows. Mana regeneration increased. Q damage and mana cost nerfed. E damage decreased early.
Similar to Ashe’s changes above, we’d like to reduce some of Kalista’s extremely high level 1-3 power while also giving her something for Kalista players to be excited about. On the nerf side of things, we’re reducing her ability to Q-E poke by nerfing Pierce’s base damage and mana cost, while also nerfing her all-in power by nerfing the first few ranks of Rend’s bonus damage on multiple stacks.
On the buff side of things, we’ve rebuilt Martial Poise’s logic for dash speed. Kalista’s dash speed calculation is a complicated beast that factors in her attacks per second, bonus attack speed, dash distance, and movement speed modifiers, plus some extra nudging to keep it from going too slow. Those calculations now favor Kalista in more situations: It partially ignores attack speed slows, doesn’t put as much weight into movement speed slows, and now gets faster with bonus movement speed. The result is that her dashes are slightly slower in the very early game, slightly faster late game, and much faster when affected by high-potency slows. We’ve also given her a bit of late-game mana regen to make her a little easier for novice Kalistas who don’t refund her mana costs with Rend very well.
Base Stats
⦁ Mana Regen Growth: 0.4 → 0.8
P – Martial Poise
⦁ Dash Calculation Rebuilt: Trust us on this one.
⦁ Base Attack Speed: Now properly referenced. This is a buff of around 8%.
⦁ Attack Speed Factor: Influence of attack speed slows has been halved. Attack speed increases still have full influence.
⦁ Movement Speed Multiplier: Multiplied by (1 – Slowed%) → Multiplied by (0.2% total movement speed + 0.28). This is typically close to 100% but now benefits from bonus movement speed and is more resilient to slows. The minimum multiplier is 48%.
⦁ Dash Animation: Restored Kalista’s dash animation when basic attacking
Q – Pierce
⦁ Damage: 20/85/150/215/280 + 105% total AD → 10/75/140/205/270 + 105% total AD
⦁ Mana Cost: 50/55/60/65/70 → 60/65/70/75/80
E – Rend
⦁ Damage per Additional Stack: 8/12/16/20/24 + 25/30/35/40/45% total AD → 7/14/21/28/35 + 20/25/30/35/40% total AD
W slow amount increased.
Twitch got a minor buff last patch putting him at a reasonable power level for AD builds. However, way back in 14.9 we gave him a pre-emptive AP nerf, which is now unnecessary.
W – Venom Cask
⦁ Slow Amount: 30/35/40/45/50% (+5% per 100 AP) → 30/35/40/45/50% (+6% per 100 AP)
Base mana decreased. Q mana cost decreased. W damage increased. E mana cost increased.
Like with Ashe and Kalista, we’d like to make Varus’s super early laning phase feel more interactive. Hail of Arrows is an extremely long range and reliable poke tool, especially when combined with undodgeable systemic damage from Comet and Scorch.
While Varus has very good reasons for his E being long range and reliable (mostly for popping Blight on fleeing enemies), we can price that spell cast such that it requires those Blight stacks to be worth casting. So we’re shifting his mana constraints to let him play around Piercing Arrow much more, which has higher-quality gameplay around dodging and hiding behind minions, and relegating Hail of Arrows to a more situational skill. To further create room in the early game, we’re also stretching out Blighted Quiver’s bonus on-hit damage.
Base Stats
⦁ Mana: 360 → 320
Q – Piercing Arrow
⦁ Mana Cost: 65/70/75/80/85 → 50/55/60/65/70
W – Blighted Quiver
⦁ On-hit Damage: 8/13/18/23/28 → 6/12/18/24/30
E – Hail of Arrows
⦁ Mana Cost: 80 → 90
Bloodletter’s Curse
AP bruisers lack a pen or shred item with stats that feel good for them to purchase, so we’re bringing over Bloodletter’s Curse from Arena to accommodate that need! We adjusted the stats, created a recipe, and slightly modified the rules of its passive so that it can healthily exist on Summoner’s Rift. It’s expected that some non-bruisers such as Brand will also like this item, but we’re okay with that as long as champions such as Mordekaiser and Gwen feel good building it.
⦁ Cost: 2900 gold
⦁ Item Recipe: Haunting Guise + Fiendish Codex + 750 gold
⦁ Ability Power: 60
⦁ Health: 350
⦁ Ability Haste: 15
⦁ Vile Decay: Dealing magic damage with abilities or passives to champions reduces their Magic Resistance by 5% for 6 seconds, up to 30%.
The following Runes have been removed:
⦁ Ghost Poro
⦁ Zombie Ward
⦁ Eyeball Collection
⦁ Nullifying Orb
The following Runes have been added:
⦁ Deep Ward: Stealth Wards placed in the enemy jungle are considered –Deep–, and after level 11 Stealth Wards placed in the River are considered –Deep– as well. Deep Wards gain 1 extra health and +30-45 second duration (+30-120 seconds for Yellow Trinket Stealth Wards).
⦁ Sixth Sense: Automatically ping untracked and unseen wards within 900 units. After level 11, Sixth Sense will also reveal the ward for 10 seconds. 300 second cooldown for Melee champions, 360 second cooldown for Ranged champions.
⦁ Grisly Mementos: For each champion takedown, gain 4 trinket Ability Haste. In Modes where this doesn’t make sense (i.e. ARAM) gain 2 Summoner Ability Haste instead, up to a max of 50. In modes without wards, all players that select Deep Ward or Sixth Sense will automatically be swapped to Grisly Mementos instead.
⦁ Axiom Acanist: Your ultimate ability’s damage, healing, and/or shielding is increased by 14% (reduced to 9% for AoE damaging abilities). Takedowns on enemy champions refund 7% of your ultimate ability’s current remaining cooldown.
Hello ARAMers, we’re kicking off this season with a light patch. Our focus is on cleaning up minor champion changes, which we’ll be transitioning into their abilities soon. Additionally, we’ll be closely monitoring the effects of the new items to ensure a balanced gameplay experience. The Bridge of Progress has been turned off—thank you for joining us for those unforgettable Arcane moments. Welcome back to the Howling Abyss! GLHF, and enjoy the new year.
Champion Buffs
⦁ Karma: Damage Dealt: 98% → 100%
⦁ Swain: Damage Dealt: 90% → 95%
Champion Nerfs
⦁ Diana: Damage Dealt: 102% → 100%; Damage Taken: 98% → 100%
⦁ Elise: Tenacity: 20 → 10
⦁ Master Yi: Damage Taken: 97% → 100%
⦁ Warwick: Healing Done: 120% → 100%
Mythic Shop Rotations
Over the past few years with the Mythic Shop, we’ve observed that often times players have to wait a long time for the Prestige skin they’ve been saving up for to appear in the Mythic Shop. Starting in Patch 25.S1.2, we’ll be rotating the shop every patch so that the options feel a bit fresher. For now, the current Mythic Shop content will remain, so you have a bit more time to snag those rewards. With the upcoming rotation in 25.S1.2, you can expect a celebration of previous Lunar New Year related content including Prestige skins, chromas, and icons. More detail on what those are in the next set of patch notes.
As we continue listening to your feedback, observing spending behaviors, and improving our tooling for the shop, we’ll share more updates on how you can expect content to rotate in and out of the Mythic Shop.
Bugfixes & QoL Changes
QoL Changes
⦁ Adjusted Annie’s Q. Q used to only refund the mana cost and half of its cooldown if it actually killed the target. Now, Annie’s Q will refund the mana cost and half the cooldown even if the target dies while the projectile is mid-flight towards the target.
⦁ Grab your friends and hop into the multiplayer practice tool which can now support up to 10 players!
⦁ Improved League Client load time, especially on lower spec devices.
⦁ Updated the patch number displayed in the bottom right of the League Client to reflect new seasonal patch numbers. An option was added to the general League Client settings to show the old number instead, which is still used by TFT. We only recommend this setting if you play TFT exclusively.
⦁ Removed the outdated “Close League Client as Needed” option. For players with performance concerns the option to always close the League Client in game is still available. This change was made to improve performance loading the End of Game screens.
Bug Fixes
⦁ Fixed a bug that caused Rengar’s E to count as 2 spells for effects like Eclipse, Electrocute, and Phase Rush.
⦁ Fixed a bug that caused Shaco’s W to proc Malignance.
⦁ Fixed a bug that caused Master Yi be able to be slowed by Viktor’s W.
⦁ Fixed a bug that caused Kalista’s passive dash animation to play incorrectly when constantly using movement commands.
⦁ Fixed a bug that caused Gangplank’s Q and E abilities to not properly interact with Spear of Shojin.
⦁ Fixed a bug that caused Tristana’s W to refresh its cooldown upon killing a clone.
⦁ Fixed a bug that caused Warwick’s W passive to be effective before putting a point in the ability.
⦁ Fixed a bug that caused multiple clipping issues with Viktor’s visual update.
⦁ Fixed a bug that caused Badlands Baron Rumble ultimate to be missing some SFX.
⦁ Fixed a bug that caused Warwick’s W SFX to persist for Viego after Viego had possessed Warwick.
⦁ Fixed a bug that caused Pets to be unable to properly proc Spear of Shojin and Malignance.
⦁ Fixed a bug that caused skillshots to reveal the caster to enemies if the reticle was hovering over an enemy.
⦁ Fixed a bug that caused Illaoi’s allies to be able to hear VO intended for enemies affected by her E.
⦁ Fixed a bug that caused the dragon contest voting board to not appear if you disconnected and reconnected to a game.
⦁ Fixed a bug where Ashen Slayer Sylas’ wings and props were missing during his recall animation
⦁ Fixed a bug where Chronobreak (R) being off cooldown caused severe framerate drop while using Paragon Chroma for Arcane Last Stand Ekko
⦁ Fixed a bug where Arcane Last Stand Ekko was missing VFX trail and SFX during his homeguard animation
⦁ Fixed a bug where Bewitching Senna Chromas were reverting to parent skin textures during Homeguard animation
Upcoming Skins & Chromas
The following skins will be released in this patch:
⦁ Radiant Serpent Sett
⦁ Masque of the Black Rose Samira
⦁ Masque of the Black Rose Renata Glasc
⦁ Masque of the Black Rose Ezreal
⦁ Masque of the Black Rose Vladimir
⦁ Masque of the Black Rose Elise
⦁ Prestige Masque of the Black Rose Katarina
The following chromas will be released this patch:
⦁ Masque of the Black Rose Ezreal