Feeling Fly? Arcade Classic Under Defeat is Read to Propel Itself Sky High on February 6th!

Under Defeat

The moment you’ve been waiting for is finally here! After a little waiting and anticipation, get ready to be blown away by the ultimate edition of the legendary helicopter shoot ‘em up, Under Defeat, coming to all major gaming platforms with a new release date – February 6th.

The title will be available physically on PS5™ and Nintendo® Switch™, digitally on PS4, PS5 and Nintendo Switch, with digital versions on Xbox and for PC via Steam (published by City Connection).

In case you need a refresher, let’s bring you up to speed. Under Defeat, originally released in 2005 by G.rev, is a high-energy arcade shooter where players control a heavily armed helicopter in a war-torn alternate history. It boasts cool 3D graphics and really intense combat gameplay. Under Defeat’s development falls into the more-than-capable hands of City Connection, under supervision by Takehiro Eda and Zerodiv Fukushima Factory, well known in the shooter community for their high-quality ports of classic games.

For more information on Under Defeat, please keep checking Clear River Games’ social media.

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