Consolidate 2022

Consolidate is a project where we want to give the general public the opportunity to try out some games and watch e-sports. During this Spring, we’ve done three events in Gislaved, Nässjö and Huskvarna in Sweden.
During two days we’ve given e-sports teams the chance to compete and win prices which also included LAN-tickets to Dreamhack Summer 2022.

The events have been free and also, of course, free entrances so that everybody can come and listen to interesting lectures and also try out some games on Xbox One, League of Legends and Virtual Reality (VR).
Thanks to our sponsors and exhibitors from each municipality our events have succeeded.

We would also like to thank Värnamo Nyheter, P4 Jönköping and Sveriges Radio for visiting and listening to us. The interviews can be found on their websites, click on the links to go and read/listen to them.
Thank you for coming and calling us the Mini-Dreamhack, because that is exactly what we wanted to achieve!

We at Bitemind Studios felt like it was finally time to do something now that the pandemic has calmed down. It is still a great challenge to have some visitors to come to the events, but also the crew is difficult to find. We need a few people to build these events and make them in to a reality.
We believe that the events will succeed! We know that they will grow and become much larger than they are now. That’s why we are looking for volunteers again – because we are already booked during this fall and coming year of 2023!

We look forward to Consolidate 2023
We’ve already booked a few events til’ the year to come. We can barely wait to offer you more and show you the best of the gaming-and e-sports world! We’re going to invest in the feeling of going to an exhibition, we would like to have more exhibitors and more variety for you to experience. Do not hesitate to talk to us if you have any tip or ideas.
Follow us at our social media for more updates about Consolidate and other events to come!

For the Swedish version of this article, please visit Bitemind Studios.